After presenting our pitch to our classmates we received anonymous feedback on several aspects of our concept. As a whole the audience thought the suitability for the target audience was good, saying it was "realistic", "well researched" and "ideal." They also thought our idea was original, saying it sounds "interesting", "different" and "entropic", however there were a few comments that said our concept sounds too similar to Mumford & Sons, which I disagree with as they are a mainstream band whereas ours is more niche and includes much darker themes. I do understand though how our location could seem too similar but that, I think, is inevitable.
There were quite a few comments on the difficulty of our filming in the woods, saying how with poor weather conditions the wood could become muddy. This we know is a problem and would be with anyone filming outdoors, we'll just hope that the weather is on our side. We'll also have to be careful with any safety hazards as there are many places in the woods where someone could fall or trip regardless of weather conditions. Another technical aspect that was unanimously critiqued was the difficulty the prospect of hanging people was. Originally we had hoped to have long shots where you would see several hung people in the wood, however after talking through the options with several people we've decided to just include very tight, specific shots where you'll never see their whole body at one time. This will mean the actor can stand on a chair, when we need their head in shot, or use their arms to hang from the tree when it's only their feet needed in the shot.
The audience was also asked whether they thought the idea sounded realistic - did it sound like a music video? A few people said the lighting would be hard to achieve with the college cameras, but we intend to create the right lighting in post production using editing techniques. Someone also said that we need to include more close-ups of the musician, which we agree with and have taken on board.
Feedback From Focus Group
To get feedback for our music video plans so far from our target audience, Jess and I created a Facebook note including the finalised concept, the song and a list of possible costumes and locations we could use. At the bottom of the note we asked five questions that could tell us whether we were on track and creating something relevant to the target audience as well as any improvements that could be made. The questions were:
1. Would you recognise this as a folk genre music video? Why/ why not?
2. Do you feel that this video targets your age range? How/ why?
3. Does this sound like an authentic video that would be broadcast on TV? Why/ why not?
4. Would you watch it? Why/ why not?
5. How would you improve it?
We then tagged several typical audience members in order to get a relevant response.
The feedback was very positive towards our choice of setting and appearance of our video and the audience could identify the genre of the video easily due to the stereotypical conventions we included (e.g. the woodland setting) meaning the genre, as Chris noted, could be deduced even without the music.
Two of the three suggested that we shouldn't have a specific age range to target and that it should be more generalised, however Jack, the youngest of the three suggested that people his age would be more interested in the mainstream. This has led Jess and I to think that we should be aiming our video at a more mature audience.
Chris also suggested that we should lose some of the repetition of the untying of ropes unless we can find different ways of doing it. This comment will prove very useful when filming and editing as we will now be more aware of the interest in each shot and will help our video become less redundant.
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